Thursday, November 29, 2018

Getting back in the swing of things

I'm happy to say that in the last few weeks since my last blog news was good news! Things are going really well and I truly feel my life getting aligned on this path.

I started taking Tamoxifen, which I'll be on for at least 5 years, at the beginning of November. Taking it has been completely uneventful, which is better than what I was anticipating! Some women have side effects that mimic menopause (hot flashes and such) and so far I haven't noticed anything like that. If I continue to not have any symptoms I'll have a genetic test done to make sure that my CYP2D6 enzyme is properly metabolizing the drug. About 6-10% of those of European/caucasian descent are poor metabolizers, and If I'm one of them then basically that would mean that I would benefit less from tamoxifen, because the tamoxifen would not be properly converting into its metabolized form. Until then, I'll enjoy this low-impact part of treatment!

Every day I put on this scar cream that is turning out to be a strong contender for a miracle worker. My scars are fading right before my eyes! I can't wait to see how they improve in another month! After applying to my new scars I've started to use the residue on old scars on my knees and even they are fading!

I've been back at work now for almost 4 weeks and each day has flown by. I spent my second week back at work in Austin, TX for Procore's user conference, Groundbreak. I had a great time speaking with clients and eating great food. The following week I had a few days off for Thanksgiving. Mom and I explored a bunch of new vegan recipes and cooked a delicious meal. I've added a few links to some of our favorite dishes below...because mashed potatoes are great any day of the year!

Now that I'm back in the office I'm settling in more and more and getting back into the swing of this whole work/life balance thing...with a strong push on the life side of that equation. I feel really lucky to have a beautiful ocean view from my desk and the Carpinteria Bluffs to walk through when I need a break. Of all the places to work, I really lucked out to be at Procore through all of this. My team has been incredibly understanding of my transition back into work and we're excitedly starting to plan for 2019.

One thing that I've started to notice in myself is that I have a deeper sense of my personal boundaries and less flexibility when they're compromised by myself or others. Shaw frequently jokes that I always like to fit just one more thing into my day. I've been known to make a stop at the grocery store...or the gas station...or the post office....or all of the above 20 minutes before a dinner reservation. I'm the kind of person who makes one single trip from the car with all of the groceries piled up in my arms. Although efficient, this kind of task-piling can be kind of stressful. Will I make it on time? Will I drop something? This is a personal boundary issue for me because I let, or even invite something external to cause me stress. Now that I'm more aware of my personal limit and boundary I am slowing down, honestly trying to only take on one thing at a time...and it's so freeing! For external pushes on my personal boundaries I'm also making shifts. With friends I am learning to be much more honest with myself and them when I'm feeling up for doing something or not. This may seem totally obvious, but I think I have said "yes" a lot more than "no" in my life and I'm learning that it's really better to say "no" when I really want to say "no." If I'm tired, I say, "I'm tired!" and I go home. Obviously this is not groundbreaking stuff, but for me it's making a big impact on what I choose to include in each day and where I set my limits.

Hard to believe, but this weekend marks 4 months since diagnosis. I feel like I've lived 4 years in that time. 4 years worth of tears, and 4 years of laughter too.

Hugs to you all!


Mashed Potatoes

Spinach Artichoke Dip

Stuffing Cakes