Sunday, September 8, 2019

1 Year Cancer Free!!!!!

Last night was an EPIC celebration!  Thank you to everyone who joined us in ringing in one year cancer free! I was completely surprised and cherished seeing our friends and family who have supported us and loved us through it all. Extra big thank you to my amazing husband who planned the entire evening, gathered everyone together, and didn't let on once what he was up to!

Yesterday evening I was casually getting ready at home to go out for what I thought was going to be a small family dinner. Shaw and I were sitting in our living room chatting when I heard a knock at the door and a giggle/squeal...JACKIE?!?  But Jackie told me she was flying in the following Thursday! She even bought a plane ticket and sent me the confirmation! How is she here? She said, "You ready to go?" GO WHERE?!? Then I heard the cheers and poppers and saw the trolley parked out front filled to the brim with my friends and family. I immediately started crying the happiest of tears. I was so overwhelmed by all of the smiling faces from every part of my life: friends from childhood, friends from work, family from near and far. It was all so much! In the video you'll see me spinning around -- I'm not even sure what to do or where to go! So began our "victory lap" drive around town, down to the beach, up State Street, cruising and listening to the best rock out sing-along songs. EPIC celebration! We ended our ride at Agathe and Taylor's beautiful home where even more friends and family were waiting. Toasts were given from Shaw, Mom, Dad, and Christina, and we spent the evening connecting and just feeling the love all around. 

I am the luckiest for so many reasons -- but mostly because of the incredible love that has lifted us up and buoyed Shaw and I throughout this past year. I know that there isn't anything that we can't handle now. I'm so excited to see what the next year brings and last night was the perfect kickoff to what's to come.