Saturday, September 8, 2018

Surgery Round 1!

There wasn't much traffic and so my mom, Shaw, and I made it down to LA in very good time on Tuesday evening. We found the hotel, located just a 5 minute drive from the surgery center, and put our things away before heading to a Thai restaurant around the corner. Shaw told us stories from his travels through Southeast Asia and everything felt...normal. 

Throughout the night I woke up several times, checked the hotel alarm clock, and eased myself back to sleep by meditating. After this totally restless sleep the alarm finally rung at 5:30am. I showered and brushed my hair, not even realizing in the moment how much independence those two tasks represent. I put on comfy and loose pajama pants and a soft button-up top. By 6:10 we were in the car and on our way to being on time, even early, for my 6:30 check in. 

K&B Surgical Center is a beautiful, clean, and modern facility. I had a stack of paperwork to fill out before my nurse came to greet us and take me back to get ready. My nurse was sweet and gentle and kind. She gave me her undivided attention and took time to make sure I felt comfortable and calm. The gown I wore was key in this whole comfort and calm thing. It was actually hooked up to a portable air vent that pushed warm, cozy air around my body. It was amazing. After getting my IV prepped, Dr. Funk came in to chat and confirm the procedure by marking on my skin. Soon after Shaw and mom were brought back to be with me while the anesthesiologist started a drip to keep me calm. A quick hug and a kiss and I was wheeled down the hall. 

Next thing I knew I was coming to and my sweet nurse was asking me to try to fall back asleep. Isn't anesthesia the most amazing thing? I have no recollection of anything between entering the operating room and waking up. During that time Dr. Funk made the incisions, took biopsies from my nipples and also removed 4 sentinel nodes for biopsy. She was very busy while I was passed out for that hour and a half. We should have the results of those biopsies back on Monday, and they may change our plan for Wednesday's surgery if cancer is detected in the newly biopsied areas. We'll cross that bridge on Monday.

After about an hour in the recovery room and my pain at a very manageable 3/10 we drove back to Santa Barbara. Driving to and from LA is never very pleasant but during this drive every single bump and road surface change was amplified and I found myself grating my teeth in anticipation of another bump. We arrived home and I got settled in my new throne -- a comfy chair and ottoman on loan from my parents. By Thursday my mild pain was reduced to moderate discomfort and tightness in my right shoulder area which is common for this procedure. I've been doing small shoulder rolls to ease the tightness. I took Tylenol Extra Strength through Friday morning, opting to avoid taking the Percocet I was prescribed until absolutely necessary.

Shaw and mom have been taking turns with me, getting me out of the house for little tasks or just sitting and watching movies with me. Shaw even installed a new shower head that is easier for him to use when he helps me in that department. Mom has been the absolute best - organizing paperwork and bills and doing dishes and laundry. We couldn't do this without her comforting and selfless help.

On Thursday afternoon we met with a 3rd oncologist, Dr. Kass. Although he didn't tell us anything new about my prognosis or anticipated treatment, but he immediately put me at ease and went into action by ordering a test on my initial core biopsy that may help us know if chemo or hormone therapy will more more, less, or equally effective. I feel very confident in him and I'm happy to say that he'll be my oncologist. 

So, now the full team of breast surgeon, plastic surgeon, and oncologist has been assembled and I'm feeling better and better about Wednesday's "Big Surgery" now that we've successfully navigated this test run. Onward!

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